What We Are

What We Are

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What We Are

In this time of great change and uncertainty; We The People must be vigilant and ask courageous questions:

  • Is our Constitution being slowly, silently, invisibly superseded by a goverment Institution?
  • Are our civil liberties, freedom of choice, freedom of voice, and the influence in what happens to our children -being eroded away?
  • Are we being forced, by a combination of mandates and peer pressure to shun effective drugs that have FDA approval? All focused on creating greater profits for pharmaceutical corporations.
  • Are we confident that an open Southern border is being managed properly? That the nearly 2 million migrant attempts in the past year alone, serves the interest of Americans, or the American government?
  • Are we making the right decisions, or simply the easy decisions? At freedom quest we question everything, that erodes our freedoms and undermines our Constitution.

We believe that rallies and events can bring people together and focus our attention in the right place, not controlled by the media but relying on facts allowing people to make informed intelligent decisions. We seek to rebuild patriotism for all Americans.